Dr. Basak’s research centers on understanding neuro-cognitive processes of working memory and cognitive control, aging and cognitive maintenance. Dr. Basak’s current work emphasizes the interplay between attention and memory, and the role of cognitive training, cardiovascular health and expertise in mitigating negative effects of age or disorder on brain and cognition. Cognitive training strategies include video games, memory exercises, learning of second language (e.g., Sanskrit) and meditation/yoga. Expertise extends from games (including chess and video games) to music to fitness to sports. Research questions span both healthy adults and children as well as adults with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) or Mild Cognitive Impairments (MCI). To address these research questions, we use a variety of methodological and statistical tools that incorporate both behavioral and neurophysiological measures across single studies, clinical trials and meta-analytic reviews.
The primary research questions addressed are:
- What brain networks and regions support different types of cognitive control (such as, working memory, task-switching, focusing attention)?
- How are cognitive control and working memory, and their related brain networks and regions, affected by aging, cardiovascular health, Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), and expertise?
- Do these brain networks and regions adapt with cognitive training (such as, tablet/computer games)?
- What are the neural and cognitive mechanisms of complex skill learning, and how do part experience and age influence novel learning?
- How does physical fitness, as a lifestyle factor or through targeted intervention, impact our aging brain and cognition?
Chandramallika Basak is an associate professor at the Center for Vital Longevity and the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences at The University of Texas at Dallas. She earned her BSc (Honours) in mathematics and MSc (Silver medalist) in psychology from the University of Calcutta, India, as well as an MS in applied statistics, and an MS and a PhD in experimental psychology from Syracuse University. She was a Beckman Institute Fellow at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and an assistant professor of psychology at Rice University.
Her honors include Early Career Research Award at the 2007 Cognitive Aging Conference, Beckman Institute Fellowship, an Outstanding Dissertation Award and Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award from Syracuse University, Syracuse University Graduate Fellowship, and Silver Medal from University of Calcutta. Her research has been supported by grants from National Institute of Aging, Darrell K Royal Foundation, AWARE, Friends of BrainHealth, Office of Naval Research, and grants from Rice University and UT Dallas.